We could not be where we are today without the extensive network of support we receive from all over the world. From local people donating food to international sponsorship of our children, every donation is appreciated.
There are 3 main ways of helping us:
1. Giving a material Donation (food, clothes, shoes, school supplies).
2. Sponsoring a child for Rs.1500/- per month. This money goes towards the cost of educating, feeding and clothing for an individual child. Regular monthly donations are of enormous value to us. They are the most reliable and sustainable way of funding the ongoing welfare and needs of the children.
3. A capital donation. This allows us to purchase extra facilities and provide a better quality of life for our children. If you are not sure what you want to give, do contact us for a list of items we currently need. - Cheques can be made payable to ‘Love Care Centre, Kanchipuram’ - Donations in India are exempt under 80G income tax Ref. No. 2(655)/02-03 Dated 30.06.07 - For details of child sponsorship contact lovecareindia@gmail.com
We welcome donations from all other countries; however, we can only receive money from outside by wire transfer (Western Union etc.). If you want to know more about how to proceed or if you wish to sponsor a child, please contact us at niehindia@hotmail.com, lovecareindia@gmail.com and we will answer all your queries.